Genital Aesthetics
Frequent aesthetic problems concerning the genital area are;
- Darker colors,
- Thinning of labia majora, wrinkling of the area, decreasing volume or elasticity,
- The uneven shape of the labia minora or labia minora hanging down past labia majora.
Darker colors: Sometimes naturally, usually due to waxing or hormonal reasons changes in color may occur in the area. While many different options to change the color of the area are available, many of these options require an average of 3-4 sessions. Plasma energy with local anesthetic usually delivers results in 2 sessions.
Labia majora: In cases with shrinkage due to loss of elasticity, special fillers containing hyaluronic acid may be used. This material lasts 1-5 years, it is made of fully natural ingredients and it has the same feel as the tissue itself. Even after its duration period, it is observed that the look has been enhanced compared to its initial state.
Labia minora: While surgical methods have served as a solution, pain, recovery period and limitations in sexual intercourse have lead researchers to invent new methods. In cases with little to medium hanging of labia minora, to reshape the hanging part fractional laser treatment or radio frequency sessions could be used.
Latest Developments in Non-Surgical Genital Aesthetic Procedures
Finally, one of the new technological developments, plasma energy is prominent. This procedure is conducted 45 minutes after local anesthetic cream is applied to the area. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and it compensates %40 of the elasticity lost. The area heals within 5-7 days with moisturizing cream. The procedure is non-surgical and it allows sexual intercourse.
The advantages are %85 patient satisfaction, a possible retouch procedure that can be done 3 months after the initial procedure and the procedure being complication free.